June 25, 2024 11:51 pm

Cookie and Tracking Policy

Information on the use of cookies on Plethora Investment bank’s websites and apps.

When you visit our digital websites, data on your visit (e.g. your IP address, the website from which you visit us or the ZKB website you are currently visiting, including the date and duration of your visit; hereinafter referred to as “tracking data”) is automatically registered. Tracking data is used to optimise the content offered on our communication channels, in particular our websites and mobile applications, and to provide information on how you can find out about our products and services and use them. 

This cookie and tracking policy describes how Plethora Investment bank (hereinafter referred to as the “Bank”) collects such tracking data and how it handles this data. The policy may be updated at any time. Please check this page regularly for the latest version. 

Scope of the cookie and tracking policy

This cookie and tracking policy applies to the Bank’s digital offerings, which refer to it. In particular, it applies to:

  • the Bank’s main website on zkb.ch and sub-pages (hereinafter referred to as the “ZKB website”)
  • mobile applications from the Google, Android and Apple app stores: ZKB Mobile Banking, ZKB Info app, ZKB Access app and ZKB Twint (hereinafter collectively referred to as “mobile apps”)

There may be additional or different provisions for the use of tracking data for certain digital offerings of the Bank, for e.g. social media channels, other mobile apps or separate websites. These are available on the corresponding offerings and take precedence in these cases.

Which tracking technology do we use

We use cookies on the ZKB website and, if necessary, other tracking technologies (hereinafter collectively referred to as “cookies”). Some of our cookies are technically necessary for the proper functioning of our offerings. Their use cannot be dispensed with for technical reasons, otherwise the Bank’s digital offerings would not function properly. The other cookies are used to improve your user experience (e.g. through personalized offers). Their use may be approved or rejected when visiting our websites.

In our mobile apps, we use software development kits (SDKs) and, if necessary, other tracking technologies (hereinafter collectively referred to as “SDKs”). The use of these technologies is approved by downloading the mobile apps and can be declined by not downloading them.

What cookies are and how they work

Cookies are small text files that are stored on your device. They enable the website to remember specific entries and settings (e.g. your login, language, usage, preferences and statistics) over a certain period of time to optimize user experience, security and analysis in particular.

Cookies can be set as first-party cookies by storing them on the domain of the pages visited, e.g. www.zkb.ch. These first-party cookies can only be read by the operators of the respective pages (in this case the Bank). These first-party cookies are set by means of their own technical integrations (i.e. by the Bank itself) or by the integration of third-party tools (e.g. Adobe Analytics).

Cookies can also be set as third-party cookies. This happens when the cookies can also be read directly by other websites and website operators. The Bank uses third-party cookies very sparingly and only in publicly accessible areas.

You can find a list of cookies used in the section “Which cookies and SDKs from third-party providers do we use and for what purpose”.

What data is stored and processed

The cookies stored on our ZKB website with your consent read tracking data (e.g. the website from which you visit us and the ZKB website you are currently visiting, including the date and duration of your visit as well as technical data on your device such as browser, operating system and IP address). This tracking data is required for statistical purposes for the optimization and further development of the ZKB website and for the delivery of personalized offers and content.
If you decline the use of cookies, we will only use cookies on the ZKB website that are technically necessary to enable proper functioning.

The SDKs used in the mobile apps read tracking data (e.g. visited app screens, date and duration of the visit, number of visits and operating system). This tracking data is required for statistical purposes for the optimization and further development of mobile apps and for the delivery of personalized offers and content.

Tracking data does not establish links to personal identities. However, the Bank may merge tracking data with other data already available at the Bank and thus the Bank may be able to establish a personal link. If a personal link is established, the Bank may process this personal data in accordance with the privacy policy and, in particular, use it for the purposes described therein.

If third-party tools are used for tracking on the ZKB website or in the mobile apps, the Bank will only pass on encrypted data to these third-party providers, on the basis of which the third-party provider alone will not be able to identify a specific person.

How long are cookies stored in your browser

Some cookies are automatically deleted as soon as the browser session has ended or after a specified period of time. Certain cookies are permanently stored in the browser for technical reasons, unless they are deleted by the user or replaced by revisiting the digital offerings.

How long are SDKs stored in mobile apps

The SDKs used in mobile apps are initiated and permanently installed when the app is downloaded to the mobile device. They remain in the app until the mobile app is deleted or uninstalled from the device.